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Boxing fighter : Super punch
💻 Pc 📱 Mobile
Rating: 84%
Rating: 84%
🎲Boxing fighter : Super punch
Try to punch all boxers coming from both side to attack you. Beat em Up !!! BOXING FIGHTER : SUPER PUNCH is the best action boxing game ever. Fight against tons of boxers and their BOSS. Get ready to rumble ! Can you knock them out ? Welcome to play Boxing fighter : Super punch game for free in Boxing fighter : Super punch is a wonderful game from our great collection of Friv 2020 games which are updated everytime.
🎮 InstructionsUse Left Mouse And Arrow Right button to Punch Right, Use Left Mouse And Arrow Left button to Punch Left,
📂 Categoriesfighting, arcade, sports, fighter, fighting, hard, old school, oldies, difficulty, boxe, hard, boxing..